Brianna Noble is an able bodied Black, Latinx surviving in a predominantly urban white community. The paintings presented is the reaction to the assumptions her environment enforces on her. That often requires rejecting what society and her family imposes. She has taken the role of the subject to use as a reflection of what choices she and others alike have to make. How she performs womanhood is determined on solely what she finds will fit for her.
Noble uses the idea that sex sells, so the viewers will be driven to look, then adds words so they will be driven to read, and be given more information to understand that women are human, not just objects for consumption. In turn, she hopes that the next person with similar decisions to make can find the familiarity to do so on their terms too.
Brianna Noble is a 25-year-old Phoenix native that is Black and Mexican American. Being raised by her Mexican mother who created her own definition for feminism, has shaped her outlook on life and influenced her work heavily. She uses oil paint to bring to life her reaction to being bombarded with society’s and her family’s differing beliefs.
Noble graduated with her Bachelor’s in Painting May of 2017 from Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. She is currently a member at Downtown Phoenix’s Eye Lounge.
May 17th- June 9th
Opening: Friday, May 17 | 6 – 9 PM
First Friday: Friday, June 7 | 6 – 10 PM